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  • Writer's pictureMeyleen Velasquez

Working with young children: Nurturing the parent-child relationship through loving & caring touch

Updated: Jun 14, 2021

Relationship-based work is an ideal approach when working with the early childhood population. Providing caregivers fun and nurturing ways to engage with their young children is key to strengthening the attachment relationship and parental attunement. When children feel seen & heard, they thrive. In this video, I share an attachment-based intervention developed by Dr. Janet Courtney, to help parents and young children to connect.

In this video:

Demonstration of Dr. Courtney's pizza pie intervention

Asking for permission before beginning

Guiding attunement

Helping the child to feel heard

Processing the activity

Resources Dr. Janet Courtney

**Please note that the information shared in this video is not a substitute for professional training or supervision**

To learn more about my practice:

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